Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Easter

Well geez, I have just completely fallen off of the bloggy wagon! There have been a few times where I have thought about writing, but there isn't anything in this head of mine to spill out. (I blame it on the kids:).)  Ha! They take all of my words out of me.

So, this week I am pondering on the cross and how Jesus so lovingly chose to die so that we could know the Father.  Because of that, we can walk in freedom, have abundant lives, and look forward to eternity in Heaven with Jesus, and with all of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.  It's a gift that we are so undeserving of, yet it shows how worthy God thinks we are. He loves us and that is amazing to me. I am so thankful and so in love with Him.  Thank you Jesus.

I hope you too, are pondering on the gift of Jesus dying for you. Will you accept this gift? Will you receive eternal life and an abundant life NOW with full access to God the Father? It's my prayer that we all do and that we will live with an understanding that life is fickle, there is no guarantee for tomorrow, and eternity without God is going to be flat out horrible.  Do you live with confidence knowing that you will be in Heaven? It is possible you know. I have these dreams every now and then where I believe God gives me little glimpses of how bad eternity is going to be for those who do not choose to accept their brokenness and need for the Saviour. I had one last night, it shook me up and reminded me how important it is to tell everyone about the love of Jesus.  It isn't a game or a ploy, it's serious businness.

I hope you will be at your local church this weekend, and I hope that you will bring a friend, or a neighbor, and more importantly, I pray that everyone will know, believe, and accept the love of Jesus.  It's a tremendous gift. 

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross. Thank you for taking all of my sins, and the sins of the world to the cross with you.  Thank you for rising again, for all the world to see that you alone can conquer sin. You are not bound by death, but you are the giver of eternal life.  You rose. You rose and now I can live. Thank you.

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