Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rest For the Weary

Is anyone out there ever tired? I am exhausted very frequently. I read this blog post yesterday and it really stuck with me.

Way too frequently, I get super tired and feel mentally/emotionally exhausted. My default is to take naps whenever possible, eat junk or quick fix foods, and/or to veg out on the couch watching TV. I've noticed lately that doing those things doesn't really help. I can take a nap and then wake up only to feel exhausted again a few hours later. Or I watch TV at the end of the day and often times I feel like I completely just wasted my evening. It just isn't satisfying.

I think Kevin is really on to something when he  says, "It is in those moments when I am tempted to lock myself away and try to get sleep to provide me with something that it is not able to provide."

I'm telling you, I can sleep. I can sleep a lot. And I also find it very easy to stay home and not interact with anyone outside of my house for days. Sometimes I feel like I NEED to be alone, even if it is just alone with my kids and Jason. I think a Sabath rest is so neccesary for all of us, but I am talking about something different. I'm talking about taking it overboard and not feeling rested when it is all said and done.

On the flip side, when I spend an afternoon hanging out with my girlfriends or my extended family, I can get so energized and encouraged.

When I spend time reading my bible, or STUDYING my bible, I feel so much more content and confident than when I watch a few hours of mindless TV. Watching TV doesn't energize me, it surely doesn't refresh me. In fact, oftentimes it's the opposite.  Oftentimes, it adds to the stress in my life.

So this summer, I am going to challenge myself. I'm challenging myself to read scripture on a more regular basis and to refresh myself through God's Word. I am also going to eliminate some of the "junk food" that I put in my brain, such as way too much time on fb, too much TV, etc. I'm also going to try and ask myself before I stuff food in my mouth without even being hungry, why do I eat when I am bored and restless? What could I do differently in those moments of temptation?

I'm hopeful to see if setting some new boundaries and disciplines will help me to feel less drained. I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. I hear you, sister! I amped up my 1/2 caff coffee to almost full and getting more sleep but still felt... t-i-r-e-d.... I don't think it is the same thing for every person (some it is more spiritual, emotional, or physical). I will say amongst a few other changes I have made a couple of diet changes and have noticed a different. I can introduce to you to a healthy, supposedly energizing morning smoothy I have tried for last couple of weeks... it only has fruits and a veggie. I have noticed a difference- even if the difference is tricking my mental stat ;) I will pray for your disciplines and energy! THank you for your transparency.

  2. Hey Keva! Yes, I have actually significantly changed our diet around here in the last 4 months or so for this same reason. And I make myself a smoothie every day!! But yes, I want to hear what you have been doing. Especially would love to hear of a way to add veggies to smoothies. I can't think of a way that wouldn't damper the taste!
    (Another component is all the mental energy it takes being a parent! Wouldn't trade it for the world, but I know you would agree that it takes a lot, especially when they are Ellory's age. )
    I will pray for your energy levels as well! See you soon:).


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