Monday, July 11, 2011


We are having such a fun summer. We have been making up for lost time bc last summer was sort of a wash. My awesome mommy bought my sister and I, and our kids, season passes and we have successfully managed to go once a week. Whew. It's been exhausting, but we are having a blast and the boys are trying all kinds of new things. I'm beginning to feel as though I am reliving my childhood with my kiddos and I am truly appreciating the different seasons. For so long, every season of the year was the same in my house in regards to our schedule. Now, I have TWO who will be in school next year and that just blows my mind. The school year demands schedules, early bedtimes, etc. But for now, we are having lots of fun in the sun!!

Jason is taking EMT classes and it's fun to listen to him learn about how to respond in emergency situations. It makes me thankful that he will have that stuff tucked away while we are raising our children. The opportunity arose because he is part of the local chaplaincy program and it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. And true to his style, he is making A's and kickin butt. Even though it is more of a challenge because this is way out of his expertise.

The boys are enrolled in a local homeschool co-op and I am so excited to be a part of a larger group doing school together. We will meet together once a week and then the rest of the days, we will do school in the comfort of our home:). Accountability and the structure this will provide was something that was really hard for me not to have last year. I'm super pumped. Thank you Jason!!

Things are going good at The Crossing, it's crazy how much I feel at home here. It's like this is where I have always been. We have made friends that we love, we love the area, and our home is just absolutely perfect. It's kind of weird being so close to Boerne (home), but not close enough to stay plugged in. Our life is here right now and although Boerne is just a short drive, it would be completely overwhelming and impossible to stay plugged in to both worlds. It's hard seeing things on Facebook that I know I technically could have been at and friends I could be with, but realistically, it would be too much. I miss my friends from Boerne, but it's comforting at the same time to know that I can go out there sometimes:). Love you Boerne friends and family. As I watch Justin and Misty go through the trial they are enduring, I am reminded of how loved we felt and how mightily the Lord used SO many of you to encourage us when we were hurting. (side-note, Misty Mac blessed me so much with her friendship in that season and I am so delighted to see that being multiplied and poured on her and Justin.) God is good and true to his word.

Well, that's what is going on with us. I'm hanging on to this last bit of summer that we have and planning on ending it with a bang!

Thank you God for healing, joy, and restoration. You are so good.


  1. Thank you, God, for the Carlettini family. The way they love you, their children, and community so evidently and abundantly. Thank you, Lord, for the blessing they have been in our lives and helping us to finally feel like we are making 'home' here in Texas. )))AMEN((( and happy dances

  2. AMEN!! Thanks Keva:) Happy dances with you!


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