Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stream of consciessness

Last night Jason decided he wanted to go to the movies, so I took advantage of it and invited a few girls friends over. We had such a good time. There is just something so special about being real with your girlfriends and letting your guard down. I know it's my fault, but letting my guard down doesn't come easily. Girls that you know you can do that with are far and few between. That's what I love about family too. There's no pressure to pretend to be something you aren't. I went to bed feeling so refreshed and revitalized. It's too bad I woke up in lots of pain and had a poopy day today because of the weather. Oh well.
Today I went through old pictures and posted some on FB. I have a few friends that I have been friends with for so long. They are so, so precious to me and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Praise God for the gift of good friends and family.
My sister and I were 7 years apart and I was always mean to her. I hate that. I feel so bad about it now. I look back at pictures of her and she was so sweet and innocent and I was such a jerk to her. If you have a younger sibling and you are mean to them, quit it! Haha. Siblings are built in best friends!
So...tomorrow, I have an appointment with an orthepedic doctor. His reputation proceeds him, so I am very excited to get his opinion. It's at 11:00, so if you think about it, please pray for us. Once again, I have special friends who will be watching the kids so that Jason can go with me. He's so nice. He likes to go so he can hear all the details. Apparently, I don't do a good job relaying the facts. What is it about doctor's appointments that make you go a little brain dead? I guess it's nerves. Last time I went without Jason, I tried to record everything, but it didn't come out loud enough. And then it's funny, months later he ends up saying something like this, "well such and such doctor said this___." And I'm going, "how do you know? He didn't say that, you weren't even there." And he says, " yeah, but you told me he did." Oh goodness.
My next big appointment is August 9th. Between those two appointments, I should know if my problem is an injury that can be repaired, or an autoimmune disease. My gut, and a few other things, tell me that it's an autoimmune disease, which is really bad news. But God will get me through it. I have to trust that because otherwise, I just can't do it.
I just want to know. I just want to know WHAT IS GOING ON!!! So, hopefully by August 9th, and maybe even tomorrow, I will.
We got a pool!! Jason is so nice and he put up a pool for us so that we won't be so bored all the time when we are stuck here! The boys are LOVING it! It's 12x36, which is perfect for their little bodies.Drew can touch the bottom and I am hoping he will start to get more comfortable with the water.
Sarah currently has four teeth and four teeth that are about to pop through. She is crawling all over the place and going further and further away from mommy's side. I'm pretty sad about that. I like her close to me. I went to Costco the other day when I was in SA for a MRI and I bought diapers, wipes, and formula. It should last me a month or so, but that doesn't take away the sting from spending $150 on it. Seriously, formula is SO expensive! I had no idea how much money we were saving when I was able to nurse them. It's ridiculous.
Jason is already asleep tonight. LaMe-O! So, here I sit talking to my computer instead of hanging out with him. Guess he had a long day! This weather gives him headaches. So he took some medicine, watched a movie with the boys, and fell asleep before it was over. Of course I threw a teensy tiny itsy bitsy little fit... "I had a really long day too and my body hurts really bad, so I need you to suck it up and help me with the kids tonight." Well, that didn't get me very far! Here I sit all by my lonesome and for some reason, I am in a really silly mood...if you can't tell!
Alright, well I guess that's enough rambling. Good night Blogger world:)

1 comment:

  1. i am so blessed by your friendship and look forward to more fun and silly days in our future! i love that we just "clicked" :) and bryce asked me 3 times today...when are we going back to dylan and drews?? you would think twice in one day would have been enough...but NO haha! text me tomorrow after the appointment and give me the scoop.


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