Sunday, January 9, 2011

1000 Gifts

This list is a lot of fun.  It's getting a little harder as time goes on, but I am just asking God to continue to open my eyes to all the many gifts I have in my life.  It's a definitely a "mood booster,"  and it is helping me to slow down and enjoy life more.  I am finding myself in not so much of a hurry all of the time lately.  That's a really good thing for me.  I hate how I sometimes get in such a hurry to get everything done and I have no idea why.  Mealtime is a big one for me.  I sometimes rush, rush, rush to get everything on the table and then it takes all the joy out of it.  The other night the kids helped me make dinner, which we all know makes things go waayyy slower, but it was well worth it.   We had lots of fun, and we found a way to incorporate some schooling into it too! If you have a blog, I would encourage you to consider doing this, and if you don't, just write your 1000 gifts (or however many) on a notepad or something.

Here it goes...

holy experience

95. watching Sarah's face when she taste's new, yummy things
96.  passing the formula at Costco and not having to buy it anymore
97. the agility of my kids
98. hearing from an old blog friend who has beat cancer
99. elderly folks who laugh and play with my kids when they are being loud at the grocery store:)
100.  good reports from the doctor
101.   Jason's flexible schedule that allows him to do things like help me unload groceries in the middle of the day, watch the kids if I have appointments, etc.
102.  women older than me who have poured into my life
103.  moments when my house is quiet because my kids are all playing contently
104.  encouraging phone calls with friends
105.  free long-distance
106.  our new desk in the schoolroom and our awesome Pop who made it
107.  watching Dylan's face when he is doing math problems
108.  daddy's day off
109.  hide-out team ninja ( the hide-out that my boys play in that is outside in the big trees!)
110.  the deer blind that showed up for team ninja and my awesome Dad who brought it over
111.  books and bookshelves
112.  the boys helping me cook
113.  Jason's loud, silly laugh
114.  creating outdoor chores for the boys (they are currently picking up all the rocks in our yard and putting them in a pile to help Jason.)
115.  having healthy, young parents
116.  the generosity of all the people and groups who are giving to The Crossing
117. cute baby girl clothes
118.  when Sarah rolls around on the ground and plays like a puppy!
119.  reports that I get from X3 watch that show me my husband wants to honor our marriage
120.  doing pre-marital counseling with engaged friends and the way it uplifts Jason and I possibly more than our young friends
121.  Costco
122.  watching Sarah eat Whip Cream
123.  timing the boys as they run laps around the house
124.  the imaginations of my boys
125.  Sarah's wet, slobbery kisses
126.  Drewby's squeaky voice
127.  superhero shows
128.  my mom's flexible work schedule that allows her to be a big part of our life

And because I am so silly, and completely forgot to post bible trivia last Friday, this is what I wrote for last week...

I am going to start documenting some cool things about the bible that I am learning in my personal, study time here on Fridays!  I hope you will be blessed as I am...

I am about to turn thirty.

Did you know that Jesus was baptized at the age of thirty?  In the Jewish society, thirty was the age that one reached authority.  Also, John is the one who baptized Jesus at the Jordan River, which was a body of living water, meaning that it came from rainfall.  (Ie. rivers, lakes, seas or man made sources that were fed by rainfall.)

So, maybe I have some authority now?? Is thirty the magic age:)?  I'm pretty excited about my thirties!

I read about this in...
A Visual Guide To Gospel Events
By James C. Martin, John A.Beck, and David G. Hansen
pages 38-39



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