We stayed up for the countdown last night. It sure was fun. I don't think we have done that in a while. Jason made a fire pit and we had smores and fireworks.
He's such a good party planner, that guy of mine. I truly am blessed. When we first got married and we would have parties, I would get all stressed out and run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things done. It didn't take long for me to learn that Jason had already thought everything out and was on top of it all. Now I don't worry or get stressed out at all because I know my man is "Mr. Details."
We invited lots of friends, but most of them were busy with other things so we got some special, quality time with The Mosher's and The Asher's, some of our favorite people.
Nana and Dude spent some time with our kids over the holiday and it was a great time to refresh and refocus. The boys went first and then we swapped and they took Sarah. It was great to have special time with Sarah, and special time with the boys. Thanks so much Nana and Dude.
I'm excited about 2011. I'm excited about fresh starts, new friends and neighbors while still being close enough to old friends and neighbors, watching what God does with The Crossing, participating in Ann Voskamp's 1000 Gifts in attempt to create a heart of gratitude, and so many more things.
Thank you for another year precious father.

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