Oh. My. Goodness. These are some of the messages that we get thrown out at us on a regular basis. How in the world can we ever live up to all of this stuff?? HOW IN THE WORLD??? The stress of reading the above is TOO MUCH! We don't really have the 10 commandments thrown at us anymore, we have the thousand commandments.
This week at Pine Cove, Matt Carter talked about sin. I missed half of his talks, but what I did hear was amazing.
One day, he talked about low-level, mid-level, and high-level narrative. The low-level narratives found in scripture would be the small details. Like, "the boat's dimensions were t x t." Or, "the bird flew away and brought back an olive leaf."
A mid-level narrative in scripture would be the story about Noah and the ark. There was sin in the world so God had Noah build a boat. His family and some animals got on the boat and God flooded the earth becuase it was full of sin. Then Noah and his family repopulated the earth and sin came back.
Or the story about the 10 commandments. God gave the ten commandments for the people to follow and they couldn't.
Or stories about sacrifice's. So when they broke a law, they sacrificed an animal and their sin was covered by the blood. It was washed away. But then, they went home and sinned again.
I have heard many mid-level narratives over the years, and while I do not know as many as some children do :), I am familiar with a lot.
The high-level narrative is the over-arching story behind all of scripture.
The problem was that no-one could keep the law, we can't either. When the earth repopulated, sin came back, it's still here. And as soon as they walked away from making a sacrifice, they sinned again, so do we.
Was God at a loss for how to save the world? Did he keep making mistakes over and over? Was He hoping for different outcomes and suprised everytime sin came back?
The answer is NO. He wasn't surprised. He wasn't at a loss of ideas. He was writing a story. A beautiful one. He was showing us over and over again, that no matter what we try, no matter how hard we try, WE CAN'T CONQUER sin.
Even if we seclude ourselves from all sinners. (Who are we kidding?) Or even if we make daily sacrifices. (Could there ever be enough?) Even if we obey the law. (Again, who are we kidding?)
We cannot conquer sin. The bible is a high-level narrative that points to the redemptive love story we find in Jesus Christ. It points to the fact that we are desperate for someone to save us from the world of sin that we live in. Sin is in our hearts and everywhere in the world around us. We can't conquer it.
The three mid-level narratives above are examples of that.
So God, because He loves us, sent His son Jesus, the perfect lamb, to do it for us. It's a gift of love. It's something that I have been guilty of saying and taking all too casually. It's a BIG deal.
One thing that being sick has taught me is that I am unable to follow the law. No matter how hard I try to be a "good girl," and no matter how good a job I do of it, I am still infected with the disease called sin. I still need Jesus.
It's a lie that we buy into when we think that we can do it on our own. Or when we think that our "good works" have anything to do with us. Even the knowledge and ability to do good things is a gift from God.
This love story is about transformation and grace from the Lord. He is the only one who can change our hearts. Sure, we can do things that contribute to learning and growing, but even those "things" that we do are a gift from Him. And it can all be taken away in a moment's time.
I like to study scripture. I love to study scripture. Currently, I can't because my brain is too foggy from the pain, exhaustion, and medications. I used to think I was a better christian because I studied.
I like to cook healthy food for my family. Currently I can't as often as I would like to because the pain, exhaustion, and medications. I used to think I was a better mom because I did these things.
I like to play games and wrestle with my boys. I like to be my husband's helper and encourage him in his calling. I like to breastfeed my babies. I like to hang out with my neighbors. I like to worship cooperately. I like to have meals at the table. I like to disciple my kids the way I think a shepard would. And the list goes on and on and on...
I think we do all these "things" that we think define ourselves as good people or good christians and what I am learning more and more lately is that I am incapable of "doing," or "being" anything good without the holy spirit that lives inside of me. And without the grace of God.
And the hugest thing that I am learning is that God loves me. Period. He doesn't love me because I can do things for Him. He doesn't love me for being a good girl. He doesn't love me less when I am not a good girl. He just loves me. It's nothing that I did that bought His love. And there's nothing I could do to make him stop loving me. He loved me before I was born, and He will love me to the day I die, no matter what. He created me exactly like I am.
And guess what?? He loves YOU like that also. Please believe it because He does. He really does and it's with a love that I don't think we can ever really grasp on this side of heaven because it's a love that no human being could EVER replicate. It's a perfect love, that see's us as washed white as snow when we are covered by the blood of Jesus. Not by the law, not by being a good girl, but by the blood of Jesus.
update. I am having surgery Friday at 7:30am. Please pray for God's protection and divine will.

I will be praying Mindy!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jennifer. Forgive me for asking, but what's your last name? I know so many Jennifer's.
ReplyDeleteI have been. I will be praying. I cried and laughed through your post. I've thought all of those thoughts, came to all of those conclusions, and set myself to all of those standards...and failed. You are a great example. I'm going to copy and keep your post as a reminder of what the world and the "christian world" say to be. However, in the raw honest reality of Christ, we are loved. Simply loved. Thanks for the reminder.