Well, by force, I have been given a break from the constant day-in and day-out life of having 3 pre-schoolers. Yesterday was my first full day back in and I noticed something. I think the most tiring part of having little ones is the constant need for attention. It almost feels like every ounce of anything that could be given from me was sucked out by my brand new vacuum cleaner at the end of the day. And I don't want to even be touched because my personal space has been severly lacking all day long.
So I had an epiphany moment last night. Alone time, during the day is a must!! So that I am not completely depleted at the end of the day. It's so simple, and when I just had Dylan, it was a principle that I strived for every day. Somehow I forgot about it though!
So, I have decided that I am going to schedule alone time for all four of us when we are home during the day. I think it is great for all of us becuase we get into this rutt of needing to be entertained all day, but it really is good for all of us to have quiet time alone to just do whatever without having someone else all up in your space!
I have found that when I send the boys to their room for a bit, they may cry or whatever at first, but then they start playing quietly with no one or nothing entertaining them and it's a beautiful thing. And mommy feels refreshed because I ddin't have to answer 700 questions or put out any fires, feed anyone, etc., etc, etc. for atleast 10-20 minutes. Maybe one day, it will be an hour, wouldn't that be amazing?!
It's necessary. I need it. And I am hopeful that it will create a peace within them for the future that allows them to just step away from the chaos of the world and do NOTHING!

Can you teach my kids to play alone for a few minutes? Usually they play with one another and then fighting/arguing ensues almost instantly!