Check out the really cool set-up that some very awesome ladies made for our kids church.
It looks so great and it PERFECT for the school we are meeting in! We have had a small group of people who have served at every single preview service and who plan on continuing to serve. Without them, The Crossing would not be able to pull off Sunday mornings. We are SOO THANKFUL for them! It is our dream that each of them would be able to attend our first service on September 12th. In order to do that, we need missionaries!! We need some of you guys to help us and consider serving for the morning in our awesome kids church. Would you please consider?? It would be such a blessing to us and to them. Lori does an AMAZING job of organizing and planning the kids church, so trust me, it is no "chore." My kids LOVE going and have looked forward to every preview service. They have so much fun! If you would like to serve for the day with us, please email me ( and I will get you in touch with Lori or Jason. You won't regret it. Thank you!

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