Our first year at Pine Cove...
Our Second Year at Pine Cove...
Our third year at Pine Cove...
I wish I was a millionaire, and if I was, I would send every person that I know to Pine Cove family camp! It has been THE best thing for our family in so many ways. Jason and I have said time and time again, that if we have to save and spend all of our extra money for a week at Pine Cove, and no other family vacation, we would do it. Every year.
You get to have amazing time with your spouse, time with your kids, time together as a family, time playing hard, time laughing hard, time to rest, or basically whatever you want to make of it. There are so many options of GREAT things to do in your free time, and you can do every single one of them, OR you can skip every single thing and REST if you need to.
Our kids have a total blast every year and LOVE their counselors. They only hire THE best college students, and I am telling you, they are awesome. They love on your kids all week long like crazy!
Moms, you don't cook one single meal, plan one single thing, and these aren't just babysitters. I left my 8 month old with her counselors every chance I could because I knew she was getting treated royally and I knew there was no other FULL WEEK where people would be around 24/7 to help me do all the things that we do as moms.
The food is great. They bring in great teachers and you have the opportunity to grow and learn spiritually. Oh man, I could go on ALL DAY LONG!!
Dylan learned how to swim there last year! It seriously is the best camp experience that you will ever have and it's all-inclusive.
So...if you add up how much it would cost to get just a few of the things Pine Cove has to offer, plus lodging, plus food, plus excellent childcare, there is no way you could spend less than you would at PC.
Here's what you need to know though...
Registration opens to the public...TOMORROW!! And it fills up FAST, sometimes within hours!! PLEASE, for your families sake, consider going. And if you want to go when we go, message me and I'll tell you;) We would love, love, love nothing more than to have a huge group of friends go with us!!
Now, wake up early tomorrow and call Pine Cove to sign your family up. It should be the FIRST thing that you do!!!
One more thing, it is also a GREAT place for single parents or grandparents! So if you want, bring your parents with you too! I know I would love that! Nanna and Dude, come with us!

I get to go to Pine Cove next weekend to help out with the Labor Day Conference and I'm sooo soo excited!! The Lord has really blessed me by letting me be able to go back even if its only for the weekend!