I have had a lot of Christmas's where I did feel that way though. In fact, this year, I am the most excited about Christmas that I ever have been as an adult.
When the boys were little, I really wrestled with the whole Santa thing and how commercialized Christmas tends to be. It really bothered me that "we" were making this big hype about all the things they would be receiving on the morning that we celebrate Jesus's birth. I didn't think it was a very productive way to celebrate the holiness of such an amazing day.
In years to come, I wrestled with family issues, what traditions to make for our family, Jason working on the holidays, the calender being packed with social events, and so forth. It's been a time of discovering what works for our family.
So this year, on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, our pastor (not Jason, our other pastor), said something that really stuck with me. He said something to the effect of that we can fly through the holidays and wonder when it is all over, "was that it??" Or, we could set our minds on the things of Christ and truly experience the joy of Christmas.
So I did. I decided then to set my mind on the things that were special to me about Christmas. The biggest thing for me is Jesus. HE is the reason I can celebrate. HE is the reason that I have hope, joy, and peace this year at Christmas. HE is the reason that I am thankful to be alive and HE is the reason that I am not afraid even though I still am not recovered from my last surgery on August 13th.
All the other things are great, but they are just "the other things." But wouldn't you know, I have had more joy shopping for others this year than I ever have. I have had more joy decorating my house than ever before. And I am looking forward to getting together with loved ones with a giddy excitement.
So this year, I am so excited about Christmas. I am excited about every little part of it, even wrapping the presents that are so special this year. ( I can't tell you why they are special because some of the people who are reading:))
Merry Christmas friends. I hope you will set your mind on the one who came to the world, loved us all, lived a sinless life, and paid the price for our sins. What an incredible gift.

Love it! and love the special-ness of Christmas. Had the opportunity to bless two families with the gifts under their trees for this Christmas and we got back into the car and Wyatt said that "God just told me thank you in my head" -- now that is Christmas!!
ReplyDeletewow! That is so cool Stephanie!!