164. my hubby who helps me make sense of my sometimes wacky emotions
165. play dates with more kids than adults
166. my giggling boys as they play peek-a-boo with Sarah
167. how every person who meets Sarah is blessed by her sweetness
168. reading scripture together as a family
169. watching the kids be entertained by a balloon
170. seeing Jason study scripture
171. watching Sarah pretend to pray and/or raise her hand to answer questions
172. old videos of the boys
173. Dylan being big enough to go for a walk with me
174. Dylan taking his gun with us on our walk so he can "protect" me
175. an impromptu, indoor family game of soccer with an inflatable globe
176. seeing blue and blink blink in old videos (those are the boys' special blankets)
177. waking up in the middle of the night counting gifts
178. crock pots
179. our kitchen cabinet that wasn't installed correctly didn't fall on us
180. finding common ground with strangers
181. the bright sun in the mornings
182. my kids are safe
183. cooking in the afternoon with all the "sounds" of the house
184. group at our house
185. floors that clean quickly and easily
186. new mercies every morning
187. raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing
188. Sarah's tiny hands
189. hearing every little detail of Dylan's dreams that he has
190. the little bodies that sometimes sneak into our bed in the middle of the night
191. watching Sarah's joy when she discovers new things
192. "castles" on our stairs
193. people who travel the world and raise awareness for those with no voice
194. kid-sized chairs
195. Dylan's constant singing and humming
196. running into friends unexpectedly
197. doing puzzles as a family
198. the experience of writing a tribute to my parents and Dennis Rainey for teaching me how
199. vaccinations
200. cold, leftover pizza
201. fresh fruit and veggies
202. Dylan growing up and talking to adults with confidence
203. the beauty of newborns
204. hearing the exciting news of an expectant friend
205. my momma's chicken and dumplings
206. my momma's listening ear
207. hearing Jason rock Sarah to sleep through the monitor
208. Dylan crying at the window because he misses his daddy and wants him to come home
209. Daddy rushing straight to Dylan when he gets home
210. scripture painted on walls
211. knowing that my man is unafraid to speak hard truths, graciously
212. cool stickers to do fun things with
213. cousins
214. fresh, clean sheets
215. empty hampers
216. laughing with girlfriends
217. making crafts
218. reconciliation
219. silly signs at Hobby Lobby that give me a good laugh
220. dreams
221. getting packets in the mail from Pine Cove family camp
222. the excitement of getting a new book
223. bloggy friends
224. having a husband who coaches our kids soccer so well that all the parents are begging him to coach t-ball now
225. friends who drive all the way from Boerne to see us

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