Monday, January 31, 2011

1000 Gifts

holy experience

227. stillness in my mind
228. Sarah playing at my feet when I cook and the way she always wants to be near
229. a husband who is flexible
230. that God NEVER stops working
231. evidence of answered prayer
232. plan B
233. watching Sarah dance and twirl
234. my very own lego person named "Annie"
245. blogging about my passions
246. vulneribilty
247. insurance
248. Dylan serving without being asked to
249. Drew's milky white skin
250. the stars in the hill country
251. having an automobile
252. all of our needs are met
253. a million crying sessions by the kids before noon
254. getting mail
255. boys doing a spontaneous science project in the kitchen
256. finding items that belong in the pantry in random places around the house
257. joy, love, and grace that never runs out
258. delay feature on the dishwasher
259. change
260. the 60 tiny fingernails I am responsible for cutting
261. paved roads
262. pack of bike riders on a Saturday morning
263. hay bells in open fields
264. morning fog
265. urgent care clinics and modern medicine
266. I don't worry about the safety of my kids
267. our country's freedom
268. staying home with sick babies
269. plumbing
270. 80's music
271. convenience of having a washer and dryer in my house

This is Annie, my very own lego woman!  With a really powerful, long gun!
Have a good week!


  1. hmmm....why are you thankful for the delay button on your dishwasher? never used it before...please share! Wow, 60 fingernails?!

  2. the 60 fingernails...I know it's kind of gross, but it's better than dreading the chore!! Ha! My kids scream and cry almost every time because they don't won't their nails cut, but I treasure having them in my lap for a few minutes while being still and getting to hold their tiny hands!

    The can get it all ready to go, and then watch TV and still be able to hear bc it wont actually start until after bedtime!! Fabulous!


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