Sometimes when I hear of people getting baptized, I don't really react much. This bothers me because that is the most exciting news ever! A life redeemed is THE greatest news.
So I have found myself wondering why in the world I am not jumping up and down with excitement, and I guess the answer is that I have seen and heard of too many people getting baptized just because it was the thing to do, myself included. It bothers me that baptism has become watered down and entirely too easy to do.
I think some of it is to blame on the ministers or whomever is doing the baptism's, but their responsibility only goes so far.
But I'm getting off track...Fast forward to when I was 25 years old. Jason was a pastor at a church in Florida and I was a five year old christian when I felt the Lord laying it heavy on my heart that I should get baptized. I wrestled with it for a long time because I was so embarrassed. Here I was, a "pastor's wife," and I wanted to get baptized! I finally got up the nerve to tell Jason and of course, he welcomed my idea without even thinking twice. I love that guy. I wonder how many pastors would have been embarrassed about such a thing. Not Jason.
I continued to wrestle with it and finally got up the nerve to tell our senior pastor what I wanted to do. I explained to them that it wasn't until several years after my first baptism that I truly surrendered my life to the Lord. I didn't think I was a new creation as a child when I got baptized. I definitely wasn't telling the world that God had changed my life. In fact, I went on to live several years feeling lost and wondering what God's place in my life was.
The morning that I got baptized for the second time was a morning that I will never forget. Jason and I were leading a young adults Sunday school class at a pretty traditional Baptist church. Jason announced to the class that I was getting baptized and as I looked down at the floor, so embarrassed that I was "just now" getting baptized, I will never forget what happened. Three of the women whom I dearly love came to my side giving me hugs and smiling from ear to ear with excitement for me at what was about to happen. There was absolutely zero judgment or questioning of why I hadn't been baptized already. They just were overwhelmed with joy at a life redeemed. Whether my actual salvation was 5 years prior, or 5 minutes prior, who cared??
So I walked up the stairs leading to the fancy baptismal and got baptised in front of a large congregation that was even being broadcasted on the local TV station! And those three girls sat in the chairs cheering me on! What a gift that was to have them. I am so thankful for fellow travelers on the road of grace.
Is there something God is telling you to do that fear is getting in the way of? Don't let satan steal incredible moments of obedience from you! You might be surprised at what happens!

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