129. Drew says he is going to stop growing when he turns 10 so that he can be my little boy forever, I'm very thankful for that
130. rain
131. good health and the perspective gained from having scares and/or friends who have
132. all the many wedding gifts Jason and I got that are still used everyday in our house
133. the sound of the washer and dryer
134. Sarah's naked body
135. talking about scripture with other women
136. play dates
137. my sister
138. celebrating our children with friends at bday parties, etc.
139. my husbands unrelenting need/desire for touch
140. hearing the boys fight
141. celebrating the differences that every relationship has
142. and the differences of every person
143. seeing God in the ordinary
144. making a home that is inviting to others
145. learning about and experiencing freedom from legalism
146. authenticity in people
147. the sky at sunset
148. evening walks
149. reading in bed until I can't keep my eyes open anymore
150. friends who share their battles with me
151. a husband who extends lots of grace to me
152. women who hold me accountable
153. convenience of Internet, etc. to keep in touch with friends all over the country
154. space in our house to have moments of quiet
155. the view of my three children in my rear view mirrow
156. the ocean
157. cooperate worship
158. the blood of Jesus shed on the cross
159. the words of Jesus documented in scripture
160. Jesus saving my life and making me a new creation
161. the whisper of the holy spirit
162. being Sarah's favorite ;)
163. after 7 years of marriage, I can sleep through Jason's snore now
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