Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ten Year Anniversary

I am coming up on my ten-year anniversary of being a follower of Jesus Christ.  What most people do not know about me is that the same anniversary marks my ten-year anniversary of being off of narcotics.  

I quit getting high about a week before I surrendered my life to the Lord. 

In the last few months, I have found my thoughts wondering back to the day where I could escape from reality by using substances.  I found myself thinking a little too fondly of those days and keeping it a secret, which scared me.  A lot...

Please join me over at (in)courage to read the rest!  I am honored to be guest posting today!



  1. app reciate the rawness..the realness. Would you pray about sharing something for our Word Women Wednesdays. Here is the link...your story moved my heart and I know it would others.
    xo:) then there is a link at the top of the page to Word Women Wednesdays that explains it:)

  2. Mindy,
    (in)courage? What a big deal. I'm heading over now.


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