Monday, February 21, 2011

1000 Gifts

This list is getting harder and harder to keep!  I am finding myself being thankful for the same things over and over again!   However, it is definitely a shift in my thinking and has been a real blessing:).

holy experience

537. tulips blossoming on my table
538. pajama pants
539. constant messes to clean up after my healthy, active kids!
540. Ambleside Internship
541. chi iron
542. daddy playing basketball with the boys
543. watching the boys learn how to dribble
544. the sound of Sarah's footsteps
545. Dylan learning to read
546. The Miracle Ball
547. my yoga mat and Pilate's ring
548. the shake weight
549. green grass
550. the power in fasting
551. our God-given minds
552. wake-up calls to areas of my kids hearts where they need some major in-home training! (like when Drew throws a MAJOR fit at a friends house.)
553. vacuuming out my car
554. farmers sowing crops
555. public schools and the teachers who teach there
556. men and women who fight for our country
557. considerate drivers on the road
558. the beautiful drive, (horses, trees, hills), in the hill country
559. speed limits
560. the view from the desk in my room


  1. I’m visiting from Ann’s today. I know it’s Wednesday – but there are so many!!

    Just threw up a quick prayer that you not get stressed about the counting – numbers can cause stress – so I prayed for anti-number stress magic – hope you don’t mind.

    I always pick a favorite - and my favorite of yours today was -553. vacuuming out my car (because it’s the simplest things that sometimes bring the greatest pleasure – will you come over and do min now? :)

    God Bless you and all of yours this day.


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