Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dear Mommy

Dear Mommy,

Thank you so much for giving me food when I am hungry. You bless my body and my spirit in many ways through the physical sustenance that you give to me.  

Thank you so much for giving me something to drink when I am thirsty. How would I have the water that sustains me if it wasn't for you?

Thank you so much for welcoming me into your heart and into your life when I was a tiny, unknown, helpless baby. I was a stranger to the world, and to you, and you embraced me fully.

Dear Mommy, thank you so much for clothing me. Your protect me with your cloths. 

Thank you so much for taking care of me when I am sick. Thank you for giving me the things that I need to get well.

Dear Mommy, thank you so much for keeping a close eye on my heart. Thank you for praying for me and for helping me to navigate the terrains of life. Thank you for begging Jesus to give me a life of freedom.

Derived from Matthew 25: 35, 36

Dear Daughter,

Please know that when you do these things to the least of these, to those who are overlooked in the world, for their lack of so-called value, arrival in prestige, and/or contribution to society, please know that you did it for me. 

With Love,

Your Father in Heaven.

Derived from Matthew 25: 40

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