I was so happy to see Christmas come, and I was happy to see it go as well. I like normal everyday life, and coming home from a vacation, so to speak, is always a good feeling for this momma.
Dylan got a DS from his great-grandma. He was SO SURPRISED and thinks he is in heaven!
Andrew got one too! We gave them to the boys seperately so that they could each have their own moment of pure bliss. "Guess what Dylan, I got a DS!!"
A turkey cooking in Sarah's oven!
Checking to see if her fridge is stocked.
The boys made Nana a pretty container for her coffee.
They made a sign for Dude's workshop. I think we are going to start making homemade gifts for the grandparents. It was so much fun and I hope the gifts will be more meaningful.
Dylan was pretty excited about fruit roll-ups as well.
When I was growing up, I was never very enthusiastic about the gifts my parents got me. Or really about anything for that matter. It's just my personality. I don't express myself very...ummm...what's the word I am looking for... Well, I just don't jump and down very often, or cry, or whatever. I am kind of even keel most of the time. I am learning that Drew is like that also. I know he loved his presents, but he doesn't react much. Dylan, he reacts big time. (If you can't tell from the pictures!) He jumps up and down, gives big hugs, smiles from ear to ear, etc. It sure is fun to watch his excitement, but I also understand my little Drewby! We are two of a kind!
Sarah let Dude (Dude is what we call my dad), feed her for about two seconds, then she was off to play. These pictures are at my mom and dad's house and when we left, I forgot my camera, so that is it for Xmas pictures. We also celebrated with friends and more family. It was a great Christmas.
I was reading one of my favorite blogs last night and I came across this great quote from Kelly.
"If you haven't noticed, I'm a sentimentalist. I know not everyone likes Christmas, and it can be a painful time for those who have experienced hurt and have difficulty defining the distinction between reality and idealism and all the blur in between. But the pain of life always makes the good stand out even more...like water rising above the oil.I think she nails this one right on the head.
We've cried this year. We've complained and cursed and cleaned up messes, just like everyone else. There are scuffs on our walls and bruises on our heart. But, in the end, there is good. And we know when to celebrate, and celebrate we do."
Happy New Year.

I love Kelle's blog too. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Did you say that one of the Grandpas MADE Sarah that kitchen?! Any way I can get one?? :) Happy New Year to you guys as well! xoxo