Friday, October 14, 2011

Life's Healing Choices- Choice Five

Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires.
Matthew 5:6

Wahoo!! Chapter five is my favorite so far!! (Have I said that already about previous chapters?!)

So now that I have peeled back a few layers into examining my hurts, habits, and hang-ups, it's time to declare truth through scripture over those areas of my life.  With the help of the Lord, I have identified some of my issues and now, I need God's help to retrain my mind so that I can be free from those reactions and/or ways of thinking.

A friend worded it like this, she said, we can choose to ignore the junk that goes on within our hearts/minds, and we can choose to pretend that we have it all together by continuing to make the outside look pretty, or we can deal with the hard things that are in our hearts and find healing and truth through the hope of Jesus.

So this week, I got out some note-cards and wrote scriptures that are near and dear to my heart. On the back of each card, I wrote how that specific truth of God applies directly to MY life on a daily basis. In the mundane, seemingly small parts, of my life and in the big parts of my life. And the assignment is to read over the cards every morning and every night and allow my mind to be transformed by God's word. I am excited about this because I know how powerful it is to continuously be washed by the word. 

It's funny bc these same scriptures have been posted on my walls over the years, and as soon as I stop focusing on God's truth, my mind is swayed by other influences and I forget what God says about me and about my life. I am like a kid, I need CONSTANT reminders!! I keep hoping one day I will have this life figured out, but I am also becoming more and more ok with the fact that I never will, and that I think the biggest "secret" to a happy life is to continuously stay plugged into My God and Savior and the truths that I have access to through scripture.

Choice Five-
Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects.

God, please continue peeling away the junk in my life and removing the character traits in me that are ugly. Please replace them with more of you and your spirit. I don't want to be a source of discouragement for others in my life, but I want to be used by you to bring hope, joy, and peace into the life's of my family and friends and I know I can't do it when I am wrapped up in myself. Help me Jesus. I love you, Amen.

Choice One
Choice Two
Choice Three
Choice Four

The Crossing's website where you can find encouraging messages that enhance the journey of this book and healing journey:)


  1. I like things right in front of me, too. Great idea to have your verses written out. I am off to find some index cards . . .



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