Matthew 5:10
If I could sum up chapter 8 in one sentence, it would be this quote from the book.
God is bigger than anyone who hurts you. (or anything that has hurt you.) No matter what other people have done to you, God can recycle it and use it for good. God never wastes a hurt. But you can waste it, if you don't learn from it and share it. Others will be blessed and encouraged if you share the problems and struggles you've gone through. God can and will use your pain to help others, if you let Him.(I added "or anything that hurts you" because sometimes life just hurts, pain is not always tied up in another person.)
I can't think of much worse than bottling up the things God has done for me and keeping it to myself. That's not how He works, and I certainly don't want to live that way. In fact, the only reason that I can think of keeping hurts, habits, and hang-ups completely to myself would be for the sake of keeping my pride and reputation in tact. I am almost over worrying about what people think of me. I am getting closer and closer to the point of only caring about the glory God receives, and less about myself receiving glory. The truth is that I don't ever want people to think that my faith, or my relationship with Jesus is any more sacred than the relationship that is available to all of us. I am nothing special. Well, I am special because I am a daughter of the king, but that is the only reason. Jesus has freed me from things and he continues to and anything good that comes from me is only because of the work he is doing in me.
So like I said, I am almost to the point of not caring what other people think of me. But I have not arrived. I have shared some on here and with friends, and I have gone to DEEP places with some people, but I thought surely that wouldn't happen again. At least not anytime soon. But I was wrong. As I prayed about who God would have me recycle my pain for and share my story with, he pretty clearly brought a certain woman to my mind. I called her today and I just have to say that He is so faithful and so amazing.
I called my friend, not sure exactly what I would say, or exactly what I would share, but the conversation just flowed so naturally and she said to me, "it is so amazing that you called me today and are speaking to me about the thing that has been such a burden to me here lately." Wow. Our stories are similar and I knew they were, but I didn't know how similar. We were able to encourage each other and now we can walk alongside each other as we heal from the pain in our pasts. Recycling pain. Beautiful. Amazing. Worth it.
I also want to REDUCE pain by sharing my story. Because friends, doing things that God says not to do always, always, ALWAYS has a price tag. And it's not because He is a mean God, it's because He is an extremely loving God. So if you are choosing to live outside of God's will right now...STOP!!! Please, please, please. Seek God. Turn your life around and begin the path to healing. I know it is so hard to take that first step, and I know it's sometimes easier to stay in the land of what's comfortable and known, but in the end...IT"S NOT EASIER. And it's not worth it!! Sin always has a price, and you never know how much that price will be or how long it will haunt you. And if you are a parent, you never know what YOUR sin will cost your kids. Don't fool yourself and think you can separate them from it. Believe me, I am paying the price for sin that was in my life many, many years ago and my hurts, habits, and hang-ups do not just effect me. They effect everyone that is close to me.
...and that, my friends, is the end of this book, but the beginning of a healthier life for me! Thank you for joining me!!
Choice 8
Yield myself to God to be used to bring this good news to others, both by my example and by my words.
Recap of the previous beatitudes that we have covered...
Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! (This is about acknowledging our need for God.)
Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them! (This isn't just about crying, it's about crying OUT TO GOD!!)
Happy are those who are humble; they will receive what God has promised. (This is about acknowledging that we are not in charge of the universe, Jesus is. It's about surrendering to Him.)
Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully. (This is the continual, life-long choice to always seek after what God desires.)
Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them. ( Choosing to forgive because God has forgiven us, resentment doesn't work, and in the future I will need forgiveness.)
Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God. (Confess
your deepest regrets, fears, and concerns to safe people. Satan likes
to keep our secrets in the dark and that is where they grow!! Light
exposes darkness for what it is and makes it dissipate!)
Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children. (Let's
quit feeling entitled and causing bickering!! Let it go!! Strive for
peace in your marriage, in your relationships, at your work, etc.!)The Crossing's website where you can find encouraging messages that enhance the journey of this book and healing journey:)

Mindy, you have such a beautiful, sincere heart and it shows in your writings!
ReplyDeleteThank you Deborah:). Love you.
ReplyDeleteHey, girl,
ReplyDeleteIt's been awhile since I've visited. Glad to see you are still cranking out the good stuff. Thanks, Mindy.